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  Logic Pro X For Dummies, 2nd Edition [English, Graham] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Savings Get 3 for the price of 2. Shop items. Logic Pro can be found in the official Mac App Store for macOS computers. There the app for professional music and audio production costs ,  

Logic Pro X Review: Is It Worth It? (Cons & Pros) - Apple Trade In


There were no discounts for individuals upgrading from the previous version, which is unusual in DAW version progression and pricing. You may have noticed that I only mentioned the Mac App Store? Avid now offers three different pricing tiers, but unfortunately, they have done away with their freemium model. They do offer free trials for each tier, however. Their new tiers are Artist, Studio, and Flex. Pros Tool Arist is a brand new product perfect for aspiring music creators, songwriters, and producers.

Pro Tools Studio was formerly known as Pro Tools Studio and is geared toward professional creators that need both variety and quick access. This tier is geared towards professional music studios. It provides the highest track count, advanced features that help you take on the most significant projects, and Dolby Atmos workflows are integrated into the software.

Soundbase makes it a snap to browse, search, audition, explore, and experiment with loops, samples, and sound effects from nearly any sound library. OK, these are primarily aimed at very serious home users, and professional producers, so either of these will do an awful lot… not all of it making for a particularly riveting read. It might be easier to run through what they both do, and then give specifics about what they highlight as their selling points? I think that heads off the generalizations about both products.

Well, the elephant in the room of unique identifiers here is that Logic Pro is only available for Mac. Here are the main things — and yes, there will be similarities to what you read in the last section. Not just contentious, but ultimately, kind of pointless. Most producers will have started using one or the other, and just stick with it, I guess just for simple comfort with the familiar.

However, it might be of use to speak to that usability. I would say that with either Logic Pro or Pro Tools, they both have an intimidating amount of features for a newbie. Where do you even start? A common complaint on Reddit on the matter is that even tutorials about either product are barely intelligible, and are too long. In this respect, I think just getting stuck in and making mistakes is the best way to get to grips with the usability of high-end DAWs that try and cram in a lot of functionality.

Logic Pro is a slick piece of kit. The Smart Tempo is a cool feature, but, like many other pieces of digital innovation in music, it begs the question: does it reduce the skill required to be a good musician?

To date, and with lower cost DAWs, you did achieve this on your records by having your drummer play along with a click track, and the rest of the band followed the drummer. Much like what AutoTune did with vocals. Add in the tiered pricing approach that starts with a free version, and the fact that they offer discounts to schools and teachers, and it basically comes across as more appealing.

Logic Pro. Pro Tools [Updated May 9th, ]. Much of a muchness: of these two, Mac users will probably prefer Logic Pro; Windows users can only use Pro Tools; both will require a similar learning curve. Good for hobbyists, professionals, and everything in between, regardless of operating system. The automation, the plugins, the usability… all completely on a par with each other.

Super biased review, it seems more like a guide of why the author thinks you need to buy Pro Tools and also a rant on Autotune and how smart tempo is replacing musicians. It's possible this kind of charging feature is only on spinning media enclosures, because SSDs probably don't need the kind of AC adapter capacity, and may even expect to pull power from the port, like my Samsung T5.

You will also need to consider how you are going to back up this external drive. Anyway, it looks like this would let you do what you want aside from my inexperience with samples and disk RPM - have the interface presumably TBolt3 or USB-C compatible or with a USB to TBolt3 adapter and the external drive both connected using the available ports. As noted, this drive promises to charge via USB-C so I'd test that pronto, or read reviews to confirm.

Tom's Hardware Forum. Thank you. I suppose I need to think things through a bit more. You're saying that you don't think I need to have an external drive hooked up at all times? Can I load things on and off the Mac as I need them? Is that a more streamlined way of doing things? I'm a rock guy. I play a little piano and organ from time to time, so those samples and my drum loops are what I'd be using most of the time.

I just want to have what I need when I need it. I'm sure you understand. Thanks again. Thank you! Last edited: Jun 4, All in one place makes sense. Check how much free space you have on the mac at present and how much space the desired libraries will take up.

If you're talking about a few instruments that are going to use up GB or something like that, I'd definitely just install them on the mac and leave it at that. The latter is fine for big cheap lazy storage but not what you want for reading sample libraries. What interface do you have? Thunderbolt can be daisy-chained and a lot of interfaces have two ports for that reason. I have a 1st generation Focusrite 2i2, so no help there. I did a quick look around today and the interfaces with 2 Thunderbolt 3 ports is in the stratospheric price ranges.

There are USB 3. I just got a Steinberg like that. Many folks do put their projects and other media on external drives. So, that means I've got the full Logic, with very few projects, and a good amount of room to spare in GB if I would move the photos and iTunes libraries. Hope that is a little useful. Yes, thank you. I got the Mac as a Christmas present.

As you say, Logic is pretty awesome on its own. Thanks so much for your time. Have you considered a dock and a drive? These days there are multiple choices for desktop docks that will charge, pass thru TB and give you multiple ports for USB, network, monitors Sorry to resurrect an old thread, but I wanted to post my solution. So sorry I forgot to post sooner. I picked up this OWC thunderbolt hub not too after starting this thread, and it has been rock solid.

I've got two interfaces and external storage device connected at all times. My keyboard, expression pedal, and sample libraries are all readily available. It just works! Thanks to all in this thread who helped get me here!

No apology needed. It could be useful to someone reading back. Interestingly I switched computers from a tower to a Macbook Air in November, after your questions, and now run a setup with a small thunderbolt dock, and storage and audio interface hanging off that.



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Final Cut Pro combines revolutionary video editing with powerful media organization and incredible performance to let you create at the speed of thought. Some features require Z access; fees may apply. Blu-ray recorder required for burning Blu-ray discs.

In my loogic it has the cleanest and most efficient media browser that really allows you to organize and see all of your media at a glance. You have to really take the time to understand and embrace rather than fight how to use the Magnetic timeline but once you do it will allow you to edit must faster and facilitate your creativity more than any other editing program.

I recently had to use Premiere Pro for a couple loglc projects and I can tell you that it is only when you use and really understand FCPX and then have to return to the traditional editing paradigm that you realize how much more flexible the magnetic timeline is. When the revamped Final Cut Pro Logic pro x latest version price free first dropped, it logci many longtime users. There were legitimate issues at the time, with many features missing and an entirely new program to learn for editors that knew FCP like the back of their hands.

Add to this the fact that Apple handled the update inelegantly, and it was quite the firestorm. When it comes to Final Cut, and Apple in general, there is a lot of schadenfreude out there. It can be hard to filter out the legitimate complaints. Just ask the many that rely on it daily to edit television and film projects. Seven years ago I left Final Cut Pro as my preferred priec suite, as many editors did at the time, for Adobe Premiere.

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